Stars in the eyes, butterflies in the belly, shivering legs. To be so beautiful that it feels physically, it is even to that, we know that we are in love.
You come across more beautiful, yet your eyes are detached, because no matter the others, only your partner counts, it is he or she and no one else.
A stranger who smiles to you, a friend with you for a long time, no matter who you fall in love with because the importance is in the spontaneity of feeling and the magic it brings later ..
It is said that it cuts our appetite, sleep, and it separates us from the rest of the world!
There is love at first sight, brutal, without appeal, it’s crazy love. There is nascent love, which takes its time to reveal itself, more ambiguous in it`s demonstrations.
There is no map showing where your soulmate is hiding. The goal is precisely to find it when you do not expect it.
Love can come overnight, knock on your door without warning. Love can come at the twenties as well as at the thirties, but also at the seventies.