You have found the rare pearl and each morning you bless God for putting such an exceptional person in your path and you are happy to be in love and you spend every moment of your life thinking about your other half.
You even dream of him (her) and in the early morning, when you have slept separately you miss the other. Take inspiration from these messages to say hello to remind him how much he (she) means to you.
10 SMS to say hello my love
1- Hello my little love… Did you sleep well? I missed your body all night, I took a pillow in my arms to pretend you were there … But that’s not enough!
2- Hello you! Look how sunny it is, it doesn’t make me want to go to work at all but rather to walk around in a sunny park with you!
3- Hi my angel, I hope I don’t wake you up. I dreamed of you all night again … I need my dose of you!
4- Hello love of my life! Tonight I dreamed of your body, your mouth, your smell … A real delight! But then I just woke up and I’m very sad not to see you in bed…
5- My little heart … I was cold last night, feet frozen … I need you, you know? ! You are the only human warmth that accepts my frozen feet. I love you, look forward to your coming to warm me up!
6- It is comforting to know that somewhere, someone who loves you is thinking of you. Well know that I will think of you all day.
7- A text message to wish you a good day, to tell you that I love you. And to put you in a good mood.
8- I love mornings because I know that I’m going to send you a little message to wish you a good day, and that a little smile will appear on our faces. It’s a great way to start the day!
9- Hello my love, a little message to wish you a nice day! I can’t wait to find you tonight!
10- Hello my heart, beware: the weather has just announced a torrential rain of kisses on the neck and a storm of love with the risk of sleet of sweets!
10 Messages to say Good Morning my love
What’s the best way to tell her that you love her? Send him a hello message to let him know that you are thinking of him (her) in the morning.

1- Hello my love, you see? As soon as I wake up I think of you. Have a good day !
2- Today, there will be times when you will be fed up, fed up with the metro, pigeons, your boss, your keyboard etc… And in those moments I would like you to remember that I think to you and that I love you. Have a nice day baby.
3- I’ve been thinking about you all night, and I’m going to think about you all day my darling, kiss!
4- Hello you, if today we don’t write, know that I love you very much anyway.
5- Hello my heart, just to tell you that I can’t wait to finally say hello to you, other than by text.
6- I missed your arms last night, I can’t wait to be this afternoon.
7- Just a short message to remind you that for me you are unique and exceptional and that I hope your day will be too.
8- Hi there. Close your eyes … Then imagine that I kiss you. That’s it ? Cool, well it’s good you can start your day!
9- I love you when I wake up, when I see you by my side … I love you in the morning, when I think of you while having my coffee. Have a good day.
10- The night ends, a day begins, may these few words light up your face like the sun lights up the day. Hello my love.
10 Short Good Morning text messages for her
What could be better than waking up with a sweet word on the screen?
SMS hello my love

1- Hello my little love… Did you sleep well? I missed your body all night, I took a pillow in my arms to pretend you were there … But that’s not enough!
2- Hello you! Look how nice the weather is, it doesn’t make me want to go to work at all but rather to walk around in a sunny park with you 🙂
3- Hi my angel, I hope I don’t wake you up. I still dreamed of you all night, I need you so much everyday. I never want to be weaned from the love that you injected me!
4- Sorry to disturb you so early … I made a bullshit … I don’t want it, it’s not my fault, I didn’t do it on purpose … It was stronger than me: I’m more and more in love with you!
5- Hey! Guess what? I love you even more than yesterday! And yes it is possible! And tomorrow I will love you even more than today! My heart will explode by loving you too much.
6- Hello Love of my life! Tonight I dreamed of your body, your mouth, your smell … A real delight! But there I just woke up and I’m very sad not to see you in bed … Miss you!
7- Honey, I’m happy to have you in my life. I wake up every morning thinking of you and just that thought brightens my day! Thank you for everything!
8- My little heart … I was cold last night, feet frozen … I need you, you know ?! You are the only human heating that accepts my frozen feet ,I love you, look forward to your coming to warm me!
9- Hello my love, a little message to wish you a nice day! I can’t wait to meet you tonight.
10- Hello my heart, beware: the weather has just announced a torrential rain of kisses on the neck and a storm of love with the risk of sleet of sweets!
Short and flirty Morning Messages For Girlfriend
There’s something magical about waking up with a love text that comes from your other half to wish you a good day with love.

- Shine like the day and fill my life with joy.
- Good morning my princess! time for the daily blessings to flow!
- Today is the perfect day to share our love like fools.
- Good morning my beautiful girl! Wake up and be my cuddle bunny.
- Your voice is just as beautiful as your face, and I can’t wait to hear you wish me a good morning.
- I’m delighted that you landed right here in my arms and spent the night with me right from heaven.
- You are my favourite breakfast.