The most correct presentation of the gift to the newlyweds will be your congratulations on the wedding. Maybe at the wedding party, you will also need jokes and little stories about the bride and groom.
So express your joy, advice and congratulations on the marriage of close people by finding the right, sincere and original words:
20 Heartfelt Wedding Wishes and Messages
1- The main theme of this day is “Shared Love”. The love you have for each other but also the love that all your friends and family have for you. Congratulations on this beautiful union of souls!
2- Know that your union which is officializing today is a great happiness that you offer to the whole to your families, your friends and colleagues present here. My best wishes to you both!
3- Love is not all done. It is not a dress or costume ready to wear, but a piece of fabric to cut, assemble and sew. It is not an apartment, delivered turnkey, but a house to design, build, maintain, and often repair … Our best wishes!
4- You looked yourself in the eyes and in the heart. You said “Yes” and the “Forever” started. Love yourself, adore yourself and pamper yourself … Congratulations on this beautiful and emotional day!
Happy wedding wishes

5- That is true! Now a new life begins for both of you. The evenings with friends and girlfriends are over. No more nightclub outings to flirt or find the rare bird. The endless bruises that returned every weekend are also over. Goodbye teenage life! Hello adult life and family responsibilities!
6- But no! Don’t be afraid, newlyweds! Marriage and life together also bring great pleasures: meal-dinner evenings for two in front of phony TV series, the tastes of the other that we have to endure. Not to mention the smell of feet at the end of the day when the love of your life leaves your shoes in the bedroom: “When you love you don’t smell!” Or “Love has no smell”.
7- Marriage… It is to support each other beyond falls and injuries. It is to have faith in Almighty Love, beyond love!
8- From that day on, you will be teammates to discover a beautiful thing called Life. I wish you to fulfill your dreams together, to develop your bond even further and to be as united as ever today.
9- Living together is a path to happiness, made up of 1000 surprises and a few obstacles, which you have to know how to travel together, hand in hand, in solidarity and marital confidence. Congratulations!
Wedding Wishes and Messages

10- On this day, I want to remind you of all the love I have for you. Seeing you together on such a magnificent day warmed the hearts of all the guests. A magical moment. Congratulations to you two!
11- Love is patience, love is never wrong, love always triumphs.May your love transcend all the obstacles you will encounter along the way,that’s all we wish you!Again congratulations for this beautiful union that fills us with joy,
12- Love sometimes transforms our lives into real fairy tales.Your wedding has given us a glimpse of the magnificent fairy tale,that you live together and we are very moved.May the love and joy that you have transmitted to us last forever!
12- We were immensely moved to learn of your marriage,and we wish you all our wishes of happiness and love for this new adventure which begins.See you soon, the newlyweds!
13- We wish you all the happiness in the world! Like the song, we wish you lots of love and happiness,a peaceful life that leads to calm gardens, but also great adventures!Again congratulations on your marriage,
14- Long live the newlyweds!
We were immensely happy to be there for your big Yes,
and wish you lots of love and happiness
for this new page for your couple.
15- We are so proud to accompany you for your wedding and share this precious and intense moment of your life.We wish you much happiness!
Happy wedding wishes

16- Your love is in your eyes and your happiness is in your smiles,Congratulations to both of you and all our best wishes for the adventure ahead!
17- Even if you meet storms in the ocean of your life,we are certain that your unwavering love will always help you navigate through! We wish you much happiness and joy
18- For this new page that opens for you.We loved sharing this very strong moment with you, and we congratulate you once again on this wonderful wedding.
19- May this great day be the start of an adventure filled with joy,happiness and adventure!Congratulations on your wedding.
20- Congratulations on this lovely chic country wedding that gave us full of emotions and glitter in the eyes!This day full of love will forever be etched in our hearts,and we wish you the best for this new page of your life together!
You might be interested in exploring more about wedding traditions around the world. Speaking of cultural differences in weddings, you might be interested in Wedding customs by country. Additionally, if you want to learn more about the history of wedding ceremonies, you might enjoy reading about Wedding ceremonies throughout history.